Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Simple Method for Calculating Shortcut for Square - Part 2

We've already seen how to find the squares of numbers which are one more than those whose squares we already know (eg 25, 30, 35 etc).Read that post Here. Similarly, we can find the squares of numbers which are one less than the numbers whose squares are known already to us. For Example,
292 = 30 - 30th odd number = 900 - 59 = 841
392 = 40 - 40th odd number = 1600 - 79 = 1521
342 = 1225 - 69 = 1156
542 = 3025 - 109 = 2916
742 = 5625 - 149 = 5476
942 = 9025 - 189 = 8836
2142 = 46225 - 429 = 45796
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