Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to enter into the Room and how to Greet and Sit ? - Banking Interview Tips

Go with a smile (not a grin) on your face, with confidence and determination to succeed in your heart. Keep a positive frame of mind, without worrying much about the outcome. Take a deep breathe before entering into the room. It will make you feel normal. Don't walk in scratching your face or readjusting your collar. Wish all the interviewers. Greet the interviewers according to the time of the day. greet politely ‘Good Morning’/Afternoon or Evening depending upon time of the day. If there are more than one person then address them as ‘Sirs/Madams’ and try to encompass them all in your greeting. If there is only one lady in the panel, it is polite to greet her separately. If you are confused about the time, then simple “Namaste Sirs, Namaste Mam” will work. Most probably you will be offered a seat. Do not sit down unless you are asked to. Sit properly and do not sit on the edge of the chair because that will look as if you are nervous. Remember that from the moment you enter the premises, you are under scrutiny. So treat everyone you meet nicely and politely, starting from the doorman to the Interview People.

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