Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tenses Basics

The word 'Tense' has been derived from a Latin word 'Tempus', which means "time" in Latin. The part of the English which says you about the time is called tense. Tenses are important part of the language. In this article we will help you to get the basic knowledge of tenses and how to tackle with the questions in any exam on tenses. The most important rule while attending any English question in a competitive exam is that never look for the answer in the option, first read the question and have the strength to find its answers without looking into options after you get the answer check that in option and choose it. But if you go for option directly you will just get confused because examiner sets options in such a way that you feel all the options are correct this will drop your confidence and you will definitely opt for a wrong option. Ok, now lets see the basic tense table here. You can download its pdf version too. Happy Reading :)

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