Saturday, June 2, 2012

Shortcut for finding Cubes

Attention Friends... we've came to know that this method is not working for some numbers... So presently we are working on more efficient method than this... We advise you to avoid this method....

In our last posts we've discussed the method of finding Squares (read that post Here). In this post we shall discuss the method of finding cubes. This is very easy and simple method. You just have to put little concentration while learning and should do little practice so that you can do the process in a easy way mentally. And another thing you should keep in mind is, we are posting the step by stem inorder to make you understand the process in detail, but you SHOULD do most of these steps MENTALLY and only should put some important final results on paper. Now lets have a look at the method. In earlier method of finding squares we'd discussed finding the squares with the formula (a+b)2, here we shall use the formula (a+b)3
Lets start with an example. Assume that you should find out the cube of 18. The general process is multiplying 18 to itself for 2 times (18 x 18 x 18). This process is time consuming and often people end up with the wrong answer caused by confusion and hurry. 
Ok, now lets use our method. here you should use the formula  (a+b)= a3 +b3+ 3a2b +3ab2. But here you should be little tricky. Have a look.........
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