Thursday, December 22, 2011

Shortcuts in Division

There are so many types of divisions are there. Lets have a look.

Division by parts --> Imagine you have Rs.874 . You have to give that to your two children.
874/2    [We can write this 874 as 800+74 (for our convenience)
= 800/2 + 74/2
= 400 + 37
= 437 

Division using the factors of the divisor: "this is also called as Double Division"

= (70/7)/2    (Because 7 and 2 are the factors of 14)
= 10/2
= 5

Division using Fractions:

= (100/2 + 32/2) ( here we've broken the given fraction into two separate fractions)
= (50 + 16)
= 66

Division by 5 :

Note: if you have to divide any number with 5, then divide it by 100 and then just multiply by 20
= (1400/100) x 20
= 14 x 20
= 280

Division by 10 (Its very simple, just move the decimal point one place to the left)

= 0.05 

Division by 50 ( Just divide with 100 then multiply by 2)

= (2100/100) x 2
= 21 x 2
= 42

= (700/100) x 2
= 7 x 2
= 14

Division by 100 (just move the decimal point two places to the left)

= 0.25

Division by 500 (just divide with 100 and then multiply with 0.2)

= (17/100) x 0.2 
= 0.17 x 0.2
= 0.034

Division by 25 (just divide by 100 and then multiply by 4 )

= (500/100) x 4
= 5 x 4
= 20

= (750/100) x 4
= 7.5 x 2 x 2
= 30

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