Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Prepare Reasoning for Bank Exams ?

Look At The below Picture : 

What Do you See ?

 If you see the Glass of water HALF FULL : It is called Optimism

 If you see the Glass of water HALF EMPTY : It is called Pessimism

 If you see the Girl instead of the Glass :  It is Guy-ism !!! :P

Now, what if I say that the Glass is Completely Full???

                      It is called REASONING. Check the Below Picture.

Ok, Now Lets go into our Subject. The Reasoning is probably the most important section of the bank exams because Most of us face problem in this section as we find it difficult to finish the section on time. We often found it difficult to decide whether our answer is correct one or not. What is the problem here? Lack of practice. You sit and try to solve some problems. You do 2 or 3. Later you feel that those are very easy and you don't even need preparation for them. SO our suggestion to you is, please don't underestimate any topic. Prepare well. First of all lets have a look at the topics we should cover for the bank reasoning section.

Those are

  1. Verbal and
  2. Non Verbal

  • Number Series
  • Alphabet Series
  • Test of Direction Sense
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Number Ranking
  • Arithmetical Reasoning
  • Problem on Age Calculation
  • Blood Relations
  • Analogy
  • Decision Making etc.


  • Non Verbal Series
  • Relationship with Other figures
  • Grouping Identical Figures
The Reasoning part of the exam has been designed to know how well can you think in stress situation. They will make you CONFUSE and asks about your girl friend's birth date. Now here the problem is not only remembering the girl friend's birth date, but also NOT to be confused when they asked you about that ;)  Ok jokes apart. 
There are some points  you should keep in mind while solving problems on Aptitude and Reasoning. They are
  • Not to be confused
  • Manage the Time
  • Skip the Difficult questions
  • Be patient while tackling with difficult paper
  • Dont be nervous
 Thats all friends.  All of us know these points , but the problem is with the Applicability. Ok now lets start preparing for the Reasoning. 

You can get Complete Shortcuts and Practice Problems of Reasoning for Bank Exams Here

How to Prepare Reasoning Questions for Bank Exams Bank Exams Reasoning Topics Shorts

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