Sunday, November 18, 2012

We need our Readers' openion - Guide4BankExams need a new name

Well, it may sound silly and embracing... But we dont have any other option left. we need a new name for our blog Guide4BankExams. All of you know that we are posting articles under  the name www. Almost all of our moderators are the aspirants and who recently got jobs in Banks. So, due to money  and time constraint, we dint registered a domain name for this blog. We've been helping people from almost an year and built a good recognition among fellow aspirants. This fetch us some enemies too. Unfortunately recently we came to know that some of our  jealous opponent who regularly steal content from our blog stole our domain name ( This is really a Big Shock for us. For 3 weeks we left no stone unturned to get back our domain name back because all the aspirants get used to it. But no use :(

This means, the people who search Guide4BankExams in google will be redirected to his blog instead of the real Guide4BankExams blog. So, Now we don't have any other option except changing the name of this blog, before that guy misuses it. And we've decided to take our valuable readers' opinion on this regard. So please share your views about a short and simple name for our blog. You can use the comments section below for commenting. Thanks in advance. God Bless...
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