Friday, July 6, 2012

Ranking Test

In this type of problems, generally the ranks of a person both from the top and from the bottom are mentioned and the total number of persons is asked. Now a days they are questions in the  form of a puzzles of interchanging seats by two persons. Lets have a look at some models for a clear understanding of the topic.
  • Amala is older than Mona and Rama. Anju is older than Mona but younger than Sunny. Rama is older than Sunny. Who among them is oldest?
    • A) Sunny          B) Mona              C) Amala  D) Anju           E) None of these
    • Ans: C.
    • Explanation : Amala >     Mona, Raman ... (Treat this as (I)) ;
      • Sunny      >     Mona ... (Treat this as (II));
      • Rama      >     Sunny... (Treat this as (III));
        • So, combining all, we get Amala  >    Rama      >     Sunny      >      Anju    >    Mona.
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