Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pronouns - Shortcut Rules

In this post we shall discuss some important shortcut rules about Pronouns which comes in handy while solving Banking and other Competitive exam papers.

Shortcut Rule 1 :  We should use the personal pronouns in the order of 231 for good results ( I mean, Second Person, Third Person, First Person). Have a look at the following Examples.

  • I, He and You are to finish it.
  • You, He and I are to finish it.
    • The order 123 (First Person, Second Person and Third Person) is also possible when we admit guilt. 
    • I, You and He have committed the Sin.

Shortcut Rule 2 : A Pronoun in the nominative form should be compared with the same form of the pronoun. 

  • He is better than I (am)  (Two Nominatives are compared)
  • I respect you more than him (Two objectives are compared)

Shortcut Rule 3 : A Pronoun in the objective case is used after "Let / Between / Any Preposition"

  • Let you and me play (You and me are objects)
  • There is no dispute between you and me.

Shortcut Rule 4 : When a pronoun stands

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