-> Study the following information carefully to answer these questions
A 8 B 6 # 7 H U % 3 $ F V R 2 I @ 1 4 1 W E 9 ^ L 5
1. If all the symbols are dropped from the above arrangement which of the following will be eigth from the left end ?
1. 3 2. $ 3. F 4. U 5. None of These
Ans. 1) 3
Explanation : The element Highlighted in the Red Color in the following sequence is the 8th element from the left end after dropping all the symbols (#, %, $, @, 1 and ^)
A 8 B 6 7 H U 3 F V R 2 I 4 1 W E 9 L 5
2. Which of the following is Seventh to the right of fifteenth from the right end?
1.4 2. T 3. 1 4. w 5. None of These
Ans. 1) 4
Explanation : 7th right of the 15th from the right end ---> (15-7) right --> 8th right element. (Please read our Tutorial here)
The element Highlighted in the red color in the following sequence is the 8th element from the right end.
A 8 B 6 # 7 H U % 3 $ F V R 2 I @ 1 ! 4 1 W E 9 ^ L 5
3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way on the basis of their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is one that does not belong to the group?
1. 95L 2. I41 3. F2R 4. B73 5. None of These
Ans. 5. None of These
Explanation : Four Groups belong to the same group. So, there is no group which is the odd man out.
4. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a vowel but not immediately preceded by a number ?
1. None 2. One 3. Two 4. Three 5. More than Three
Ans. 2) One
Explanation : Not a Number - Number - Vowel --- > NNV The elements in Highlighted in the Red color are such numbers
A 8 B 6 3 7 H U % 3 $ F V R 2 I @ 1 4 1 W E 9 ^ L 5
5. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a consonant and also immediately preceded by a number?
1. None 2. One 3. Two 4. Three 5. More than Three
Ans. 3 ) Two
Explanation : Smbol - Consonant ----- > SC
The elements Highlighted in Red color in the following sequence are such symbols
A 8 B 6 # 7 H U % 3 $ F V R 2 I @ 1 4 1 W E 9 ^ L 5
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